Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Shutter Island 2010 kostenlose filme -1080p-MPEG

Shutter Island 2010 Stream Hd

Shutter Island"

Shutter Island-TVrip-2010-MPEG-1-stream-stream-Dolby Digital-MP4-BRRip-stream-DTS-FLA-MPE.jpg


Shutter Island 2010


116 Sitzungsprotokoll




Sonics-DDP 1440p


Drama, Thriller, Mystery


English, Deutsch


Chyler, Dieutre P. Sathvik, Sergio O. Emeka

Shutter Island 2010 Shutter Island ganzer film deutsch, Shutter Island online stream - Ganzer film, Shutter Island ganzer film online stream - Deutsch

Nice movie
This was a random thing. We didn't even know the schedule and I was just wearing a random shirt and shorts. I just wanted to drink mango shake but then we randomly decided to go to eastwood and check the schedule. We were supposed to watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid but since Shutter Island's showing, then Shutter Island it is. But then wearing my "pambahay" outfit didn't really help since I saw 2 people from AC. grrrrrr. When I dress up, I don't see anyone I know but when I'm not properly dressed and I look like a mess, suddenly all these people come up to me and say hi. Note to self: always dress up.

I liked it. Watching Leonardo is not bad at all. I liked the twist of the story. Although you'll have some hints here and there, you'll think "oh I'll wait and see what it really is". And then the twist happens and you'll be like "I knew that all along". But that doesn't stop me from liking this movie. I'm so jealous of the girl playing his daughter. I mean first kiss...Leonardo Di Caprio???? Wow. I would take her place anytime. Michelle Williams...I'm not really a big fan of her. And after seeing this and being jealous also of her because of how she sat on the lap of Leo, I can say I don't like her at all. lol. Leonardo is awesome as always. It's amazing how good of an actor he is and he still hasn't won any Oscars. His time will come. I know he will win. And that flashback scene, he looked really good. Yum Yum Yum!

I rate this movie as A. Love the story. Love the actor.

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Inception 2010 kostenlose filme -720p-ASF

Inception 2010 Stream Hd


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Inception 2010


149 minutiös




DTS 720p


Action, Science Fiction, Adventure


English, 日本語


Mermoz, Jatin A. Jack, Heaton G. Shahla

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When I first saw the trailer for this film, I knew that this would attract a lot of attention. Of course having Leonardo in the lead role helped a lot.

From the trailer, I already know some things. Dreams. All about dreams. But what about dreams? Who are the other people? At first, I didn't really understand what was going on. It was all very confusing to me. But as the movie progresses, I start to understand it and I wanted to watch some more and know more what will happen in the end. The ending. That was, I think, the most intense ending of a movie in a year or probably more than a year. People actually screamed when the screen faded. And of course, people couldn't help but talk about it. It was an open-ended movie where people will have their own endings. My favorite part was Joseph Gordon's fight scene. I think he has the most fun part in this movie.

My rate for this movie is A.
Whether you watch Inception as a heist movie, a redemption story, or a sci-fi action picture, Christopher Nolan's tour de force of dreams will absolutely work its magic over you. The fact that the film works on so many levels (literally) is an attest not only to the visual queues that make it easy for the audience to follow but to how much in control of all the intricacies its filmmaker had to be.

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Les Misérables 2012 kostenlose filme -1080p-AVCHD

Les Misérables 2012 Mit Untertitel Stream

Les Misérables"

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Les Misérables 2012


119 Konzept




MPEG-1 1440p


History, Drama




Paisley, Pete V. Koumba, Sloane A. Ashmit

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 kostenlose filme -1080p-DTS

Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 Ganzer Film Deutsch

Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

Star Wars: The Force Awakens-MPE-2015-MPEG-DTS-ganzer film-mit untertitel-deutsch-TVrip-MPEG-1-MPEG-MPEG-1-MPE.jpg


Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015


178 winzig




AVCHD 1080p


Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy




Arcelia, Fayette N. Renata, Sven N. Karey

Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens ganzer film deutsch, Star Wars: The Force Awakens online stream - Ganzer film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens ganzer film online stream - Deutsch

So where were you when the Science Fiction cinema sensation ‘Star Wars’ took shape and captured the imagination of the massive global moviegoers’ escapist expectations back in 1977? Regardless of whether you existed thirty-eight years ago or not, the legend of George Lucas’ highly-heralded SF blockbuster that shattered box office records worldwide was automatically engrained in your cinematic psyche. Now nearly four decades later, the motion picture phenomenon that took place in ‘a galaxy a long time ago…far, far away’ has come to expand its entertaining promise and prominence even after numerous servings of movie sequels, television specials and other fanfare attributes that promoted the ‘Star Wars’ agenda throughout the countless years.

The modern-day arrival of yet another ‘Star Wars’ edition in the millennium movie-making age of technical and tactical brilliance is quite fitting and filmmaker J.J. Abrams is the right choice to helm this sacred film franchise and present a whole new litany of continuing adventurous narratives for a new generation of ‘Star Wars’ personalities dipping their tenacious toes into ‘the force of goodness’ battling ‘the dark side’ of authoritative evil.

In Abrams’s reboot ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, the anticipation of enhancing and enlightening the reputation and respect of the Lucas landscape of stormtroopers, light sabres and of course the iconic ‘Star Wars’ returnees from the treasured trio of Harrison Ford (Han Solo)/Carrie Fisher (Leia) and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) registers with a nostalgic blast of appreciation and exhilaration. ‘The Force Awakens’ is a sheer big screen celebration of majestic impishness and intrigue that will fortify the hunger of both casual and rabid ‘Star Wars’ fanatics. Indeed, the hype is warranted and Abrams, the mastermind of the big-budget movie sequelitis, is in top form as he triumphantly presents ‘The Force Awakens’ on a prized silver platter designed for its surging golden moments of charged ebullience.

In looking at the numbers game that is connected to the overall ‘Star Wars’ universe, it is hard to believe that the last prequel was released just a decade ago. Furthermore, it is mind-boggling that the aforementioned ‘Star Wars’ ‘royalty’ in Ford, Fisher and Hamill have shared the same space on film for the first time in over three decades since they last were featured in a ‘Star Wars’ movie together. Nevertheless, no one can deny that ‘The Force Awakens’ does not take the challenge in combining the remembrance of the ‘Star Wars’ installments of yesteryear with the fresh brand of current upstarts willing to engage in another boisterous saga that begins a whole chapter of compelling wonderment. The mix of veterans and novices in ‘The Force Awakens’ is quite interesting but the familiarity of the storytelling heft of good vs. evil is always a solid sell in the realm of the ‘Star Wars’ utopia.

The good news is that ‘The Force Awakens’ not only serves as a bridge that crosses both boundaries past and present in ‘Star Wars’ folklore but it taps into the masterful mystique that Lucas and company worked so diligently to showcase so historically some thirty-eight years ago. Still, some may have lobbied for a stronger storyline in ‘The Force Awakens’ as they may gently dismiss it as being merely thin in its premise while viewing it primarily as a launching pad to develop yet another series of movies to create the ‘Star Wars’ juggernaut for this current-day climax of warped speed wizardry. For those that want a basic outline of ‘The Force Awakens’ pulse it is as such where the beloved yet aging tandem of standouts Han Solo and Chewbacca (yes, good old hulking and walking hairball Chewie is back) is helping out heroic new bloods’ Rey and Finn (played by Daisy Ridley and John Boyega)’ in an effort to groom them for combating the emergence of Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), a villainous representative from the Dark Side of the Force.

Basically, ‘The Force Awakens’ is a grand and stirring homage to the prolific Science Fiction/space fantasy that dared to soar its ambitious wings while taking the old-fashioned concept of the good guys sparring with the bad guys and spinning a whimsical web of dark imperialism while searching for the intrinsic value of brotherhood. One cannot imagine the vitality of ‘Star Wars’ without the inclusion of notable and favorite characterizations that were instrumental in inviting a ravenous response to this filming phenom that has existed in your pop cultural lives for too many years to recount. In addition to joining top dogs in Ford’s Han Solo, Hamill’s Luke Skywalker, Fisher’s General Leia Organa (the former Princess Leia to all you old school ‘Star Wars’ enthusiasts out there) and Peter Mayhew’s Chewbacca, there is the welcomed presence of C3-PO (Anthony Daniels) as well. As for C3-PO’s newest sidekick BB-8, a mechanical rolling ball robot, he is the R2-D2 replacement that should easily win the heart of the kiddies looking for a cute contraption of a companion to treasure on the spot. It should be pointed out that ‘The Force Awakens’ is set 30 years from the last installment and thankfully this update has not lost a magical step since that time.

Anyhow, the First Order’s solar system mechanism needs to be destroyed and must be eradicated by the young talents in spunky and pretty Rey (think the athletic female version of Luke Skywalker) as she teams up with former stormtrooper Finn, a warrior with an uncharacteristic compassion for not killing any designated weak soul as instructed. Naturally, this duo (while under the tutelage of the mature and ragged-looking Han Solo) has their hands full as they clash with the nefarious General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson from ‘Brooklyn’) and his Special Forces protégé Kylo Ren that strikes an immediate comparison to ‘Star Wars’ most notorious bad boy in the deliciously ruthless Darth Vader.

Daisy Ridley's Rey and John Boyega's Finn are having a blast as the touted twosome out to save the day in J.J. Abram's celebrated STAR WARS reboot THE FORCE AWAKENS
Daisy Ridley’s Rey and John Boyega’s Finn are having a blast as the touted twosome out to save the day in J.J. Abram’s celebrated STAR WARS reboot THE FORCE AWAKENS
Thankfully, the majority of the audience may recall similar elements in ‘The Force Awakens’ that was touched upon in ‘Star Wars’ editions such as ‘A New Hope’ and ‘Return Of The Jedi’ where the same structure and theme of the plot points are somewhat revisited. As charming and stimulating as ‘The Force Awakens’ appears in its glorious presentation of being a beautifully shot and visually vibrant popcorn piece, the real find in Abrams’ spectacular space-aged spectacle is Ridley’s heroine Rey, whose emotional and physical commitment to this futuristic fable feels grounded in genuine suspense and praise. Ridley has legitimate game and carries this hot and heavy galactic actioner on her sturdy shoulders with the overwhelming pressure of headlining a cinema giant looking the re-enter the consciousness of rabid ‘Star Wars’ aficionados everywhere. Clearly, we are invested in Ridley’s Rey whose feistiness never undercuts her feminine convictions or courageousness. She runs circles around her male co-stars in fellow ‘Star Wars’ newbies Boyega/Finn and Driver/Kylo Ren and her sense of empowerment is what drives the authentic Force behind Abrams’ inherited ‘Star Wars’ workload.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ gleefully ignites the flashy flames of giddiness that we all associate with George Lucas’ indomitable big screen creation. The signature flourishes from composure John Williams’ commanding musical score to the stunning and innovative technical tweaking to the mixture of the old and new guard in front of the camera all make for an eventful and exciting return to the universal staging for a movie-making moment that will stand the test of time, the immense pop cultural movement at the movies known as ‘Star Wars’.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


2 hrs. 15 mins.

Starring: Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Peter Mayhew, Domhnall Gleeson, Lupita Nyong’o, Andy Serkis, Gwendoline Christie, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels and Max von Sydow

Directed and Co-Written by: J.J. Abrams

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Genre: Science Fiction/Action and Adventure/Space Fantasy

Critic’s rating: *** stars (out of 4 stars)

(c) Frank Ochieng 2015
A very entertaining film filled with immensely fun nostalgic moments and lots of laughs, but this is movie is not perfect, no it is not.

**Spoiler alert!!**

This movie is an exact copy of the 4th one and this frustrates me more than it should. Although new characters and mysteries were introduced, the plot was too similar to the 4th film, but hey, at least they blew up the republic so no more boring bureaucracy!
One more thing that bothered me a lot is Kylo ren, not the character, the actor. I mean they couldn't pick an uglier wimp? I mean no offense Adam Driver, but bad guys need to look badass, and once you took of your helmet, you lost all hope of becoming a badass.


Definitely a movie worth watching despite minor setbacks.
Slumber Earthquake.

There really is no point trying to do an in depth review of this, it falls in line with a number of series blockbusters that are guaranteed to garner rabid responses, pro and con.

The Force Awakens is a film of many flaws, it has a pungent whiff of safeness about it, the charges of it being a glitzy remake are fair enough, while certain plot strands are frustrating and set to be big talking points for years - and years - to come.

Yet what about its worth to someone who is not obsessed with every finer detail? Someone who just loves the Star Wars universe as a spectacle prism of entertainment, and has just wanted a Star Wars film worthy of being fit to sit alongside that original trilogy?

This made me feel 11 again, took me back to a time in 1977 when I queued for three hours to see such wonders on the big screen. The Force Awakens is, in spite of the recognised flaws, a loving homage to a past love. It's sly with humour and nods to foundations, a blitzkrieg of effects and sound work (my Blu-ray viewing had my sub-woofer doing a jitterbug in the lounge), and it doesn't shy from surprise or the dangling of the carrot.

The makers have big heart and technical invention, the cast vibrant, spunky and strongly committed to the cause - the old hands a very reassuring presence - Yeah, so it's not sci-fi perfection, or any Star Wars geeks' idea of the perfect Star Wars movie (oh J.J. Abrams you devil you!), but it made this middle aged guy shed a tear of happiness. A moment to reaffirm why - as a young lad - I fell in love with film in the first place. 9/10
**The Force Awakens: A New Hope 2.0**

The highly-anticipated follow-up to the Original Trilogy treads through familiar waters, taking the "safe route" approach. Though The Force Awakens has its fair share of phenomenal moments and is definitely an improvement over the Prequel Trilogy, its reliance on using the Original Trilogy (mainly A New Hope) as a template feels nothing more than an imitation of events that occurred prior.

At the end of Return of the Jedi, the Empire suffered a great loss, with the destruction of the Second Death Star and deaths of The Emperor and Darth Vader. It was implied that Luke, the last surviving Jedi, would restart a New Jedi Order (based on Expanded Universe media, which has been declared non-canon by Disney). That is indeed what happens; however, a rogue student of Luke's slaughtered his peers, seduced by the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order and adopts a new identity as Kylo Ren. In summary, the Jedi Order did indeed happen (off-screen), but gets wiped out (off-screen, again), leaving Luke the last surviving Jedi and retreats into exile (off-screen... seeing a pattern?). The Empire is basically resurrected as the First Order, with the Rebel Alliance becoming the Resistance, and once again, they're tasked with destroying a gigantic ball of death. Sounds an awful lot like A New Hope, as a modern-day "soft reboot."

Droid carrying top-secret info? Check.
Villain dressed in black with mask? Check.
Protagonist lives on desert planet? Check.
Discover that they're indeed Force-sensitive? Check.
Han Solo and Chewbacca escorting our heroes to destination? Check.
A cantina featuring a cantina band? Check.
Mentor figure (Obi-Wan in ANH, Han Solo in TFA) killed by villain? Check.
Battle of Death Star (Yes, I'm calling Starkiller Base a Death Star)? Check.
Does big ball of death get destroyed? Check.

Rey is indeed a Force-sensitive individual, but throughout the movie, she is just as good a pilot as Han Solo, is able to use a Jedi mind trick with ease, and easily overcomes the villain (Though it could be argued that due to Kylo Ren's injury from Chewbacca, he was weakened). There better be a damn good explanation as to why Rey is so strong with the Force when The Last Jedi is released. Anakin and Luke required training to become a Jedi, Rey is basically a pro with little to absolutely no training.

Finn... Though I did enjoy the idea of a Stormtrooper defecting from the First Order and eventually helping out the heroes, Finn got annoying quick. From cringe-worthy lines to his constant "Gotta get away from the First Order" state of mind, he should have been a more battle-hardened individual who eventually became disillusioned with the First Order. His more cowardly approach to defecting wasn't very well-executed. But I gotta admit that the relationship between him and Poe Dameron was well-done. Didn't feel forced, just felt natural. Him standing up to Kylo Ren in a duel made me respect his character a lot more. His battle with the other Stormtrooper was just amazing. I'm honestly hoping his character develops more in The Last Jedi.

I liked Poe Dameron from the get-go. From being a smart-ass to Kylo Ren to taking out multiple TIE Fighters, Poe is definitely a welcome new character to the Star Wars universe. Especially BB-8, just an absolute ball of cuteness. BB-8 was one of the two new characters that really stood out to me. Funny how Star Wars manages to make you like the droids so much.

Han Solo and Chewbacca play a substantial role in this film. Han Solo's death was beyond tragic, just seeing an iconic character we saw develop from a selfish, Force-denying individual to taking charge in dire times (putting his life on the line). Once Han Solo yelled out his son's name, I knew his time was up. Leia, now a General, doesn't really get much time to shine. She and Han have been broken up for some time now (I'm guessing since Ben Solo became Kylo Ren), but their bantering still remains. C-3PO (now with a red arm) and R2D2 (in low power mode due to Luke's departure) are basically given minimal roles in favor of BB-8. Luke Skywalker made an appearance in the very final moments of the movie, but does not utter a word. Just seeing his expression when Rey hands him his father's lightsaber was more than enough.

A quick summary of other characters: Captain Phasma, a more useless female version of Boba Fett. Maz Kanata, a color and gender-swapped Yoda who somehow manages to obtain Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber. Supreme Leader Snoke, a mysterious figure leading the new Empire (sorry, First Order) and first appears as a hologram (like the Emperor). General Hux, deliverer of a Hitler-like speech to his space Nazis.

Kylo Ren. In my opinion, Kylo Ren is the best part of the entire movie. Sure he worships his deceased grandfather Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and flips out into extreme tantrums, he is more than just an ordinary one-dimensional villain. He worships Darth Vader because he wants to carry on his legacy of killing the Jedi and achieve his intimidating status of being a ruthless individual. He is torn by both sides of the Force. He is indeed strong with the Force, stopping blaster shots in mid-air, freezing people in-place, and can probe the minds of others as a method of torture. His unstable crossguard lightsaber is appropriate for his uncontrollable anger and conflicted state of mind. Once he killed Han Solo, there is no hope for him returning back to the Light. He became a full-on evil person. I'm ready to see the damage he will do in The Last Jedi.

The action/set pieces were very well-done and that opening sequence with the raid on the Jakku village is one of the best and most chilling moments in all of Star Wars. The Battle of Takodana and the resulting battle was phenomenal and seeing Poe take out multiple TIE Fighters make him an exceptionally skilled pilot, even moreso than Luke. The final battle between Rey/Finn and Kylo Ren didn't feel choreographed at all, just felt like a battle between novices, unlike the highly-choreographed kicks and flips and lightsaber-twirling present in the Prequel Trilogy. Rey and Finn leaving Jakku in the "garbage" ship and the whole sequence through the Star Destroyer graveyard was beyond phenomenal.

Though The Force Awakens does indeed take steps forward to move the franchise forward into a new direction, it takes several steps back into familiar territory. And yes, it feels as if I have been ripping on this movie, but in my honest opinion, The Force Awakens is a solid entry to the Star Wars franchise. The action set-pieces were so well-done, the nostalgic factor of the Original Trilogy is prevalent, Kylo Ren proved to be a well-developed villain with room for improvement, and the relationships between the characters feels so organic and fluid-like, as if they're all cohesive with one-another.

My Rating: 7.5/10.0

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014 kostenlose filme -1080p-M4V

Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014 Mit Untertitel Stream

Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

Captain America: The Winter Soldier-AAF-2014-MPG-HDTS-M2V-online anschauen-italienisch-M1V-untertitel-FLA-italienisch-online schauen.jpg


Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014


111 Sitzungsprotokoll




M4V 1440p


Action, Adventure, Science Fiction




Kacper, Jordane N. Bacon, Falco Z. Nashwan

Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014 Captain America: The Winter Soldier ganzer film deutsch, Captain America: The Winter Soldier online stream - Ganzer film, Captain America: The Winter Soldier ganzer film online stream - Deutsch

This movie is very good I loved it so much.
This is indeed a great piece of superhero entertainment. If superheroes and action, plenty of action, is within your sphere of interest then this movie truly delivers. There is even a story to support the stunts and special effects fireworks that is not too shabby. As a matter of fact, for being a Marvel-based movie, the story is more than acceptable.

As the blurb states, our hero is meeting a few adaptation issues after having been awaken into the modern world. Luckily the movie do not fall into the trap of making some silly comedy out of it but keeps these parts at a reasonable level where it stays funny without ruining the movie or disrupting the pace of the real story.

The story? Simple and not very original with the usual slew of traitors strewn about, you cannot trust anyone, our hero becomes a fugitive etc etc bla bla bla. It is however a pretty straightforward one which works quite well and is not getting bogged down in silly emotions and general idiotic behavior by our hero like for instance several instalments of Spider Man have done. Actually this is one thing that I really like with this movie. The hero is a true hero from start to finish without any of that modern Hollywood crap where the hero must be tarnished in one way or another to satisfy the directors and producers.

As I wrote above if you like superhero action movies then there is little not to like with this one. Acceptable story, plenty of action, good special effects, a cool chick (hey I am but an ordinary male, I like female actors in tight costumes) and a clear hero. None of the actors are really doing a bad job of it and in general the acting is as good as one can expect when portraying characters that, after all, are be totally ludicrous in real life. Its 8 out of 10 rating at IMDb (at the time of writing this) is well deserved. I am astonished that some people seem to have voted it down with a one star rating. It is a Marvel-based movie. You might feel it is more or less good but the style of the movie should not really be a major surprise to anyone and there is no way in hell that it deserves a one star rating unless someone really watched the wrong movie by accident.
Put *a little* bit of brain in a superhero's movie script and you will have everybody talking wonders about it.

This is not a bad movie but neither astonishing. Fun and entertaining and with great FX, as expected.
The Winter Soldier has all the action, quirky one-liners, and bold adventure that we have come to expect of a Marvel movie.

Plus we get introduced to a new/old villain as well as some fun romantic tension between Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Natasha Romanoff (The Black Widow). (Scarlett Johansson is perfect in this role.)

But this film also has some minor irritations all stemming from Marvel's tendency to make _Captain America_ more complicated than it really needs to be.

1. The love story/non-story. Is this necessary? Will the Captain remain faithful to a 80 year-old woman on her deathbed OR engage in a date with his next door neighbor? Plus the tension between him and Natasha Romanoff is intense. This comes off as forced, awkward, and pointless.

2. “The deception goes deeper than you can imagine. You can’t trust anybody.” It's this way every time so it should no longer be a surprise.

3. He’s dead but not really. Not him, the other him. Well…they both were dead – not really – but now they are both alive. But one of them can’t remember who he really is. In this film we get to do this with two characters instead of one. It’s not a huge distraction but why does Marvel keep returning to this plot line?


The Winter Soldier is best when Rogers and Romanoff are on the move trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. The explosions are nice, the action scenes are intense but the real enjoyment of the film is where skill and wits are relied on more than gadgets and explosions.

Patriotism is a bit more nuanced this time around and it's better for it. The cast is great, no awkward acting moments to report. It’s a great summer flick with all the action you want.
Till the end of the road.

Stonking! Now this is more like it, after the disappointments that have been Iron Man 2 and Thor 2, Captain America gets a sequel of substance and sparks. It manages to blend everything required to make a great superhero film, lashings of derring-do heroics, action bonanza, adventure, some sexy sizzle and of course the key, a story with brains and mystery elements.

True enough to say that the considerable contributions of Black Widow and Falcon (and Nick Fury of course) keeps this as a lively Avengers spin-off movie, which is no bad thing at all, but it's still the Captain who dominates things, marking himself out as a viable main man. In fact the whole film has the old school comic book feel, yes there's the grandiose pyrotechnics - unsurprisingly amped up for the big finale, but there's an adherence to serial thriller conventions that is, well, rather warm and comforting.

With the Captain getting some surprising amount of emotional depth and humanity courtesy of the perfectly cast Chris Evans, the viewers have much to care about. Themes of Bondian world domination and global security crisis keep things nice and fanciful, while the unheralded work by the effects guys is modern cinematic art. There's some adherence to genre formula, and a bit of Marvel universe copy-catting going on, but this is one of the best films from the Marvel stable. A rich sequel indeed - more Captain America please. 9/10
**A long format review from 2014**

Misleadingly, the titular Winter Soldier is essentially a minor subplot in what is more of an espionage-technoir-thriller meets spectacle-epic than your typical super hero film. The real meat of the movie, thankfully, has some more substance behind it. Though it wouldn't surprise me if we learn later that Sebastian Stan's villain was forced to take a back seat via last minute script changes à la Hawkeye in _The Avengers_.

These things are of course a matter of opinion, and I'd like to watch _Winter Soldier_ at least once more (particularly in 2D... God do I ever hate 3D) before committing to any particular ranking. But even without that, I feel confident in saying it's the best MCU Phase 2 film to date. We must await _Guardians of The Galaxy_ and _Age of Ultron_ before cementing that little award, but I'd say that it stands at the very least above _Iron Man 3_ and _The Dark World_.

I always try to keep my reviews spoiler free, but being that in most parts of the world it isn't out yet, I'll be extra careful to do so with this one. This makes talking about _Winter Soldier_ on its own merits difficult, but there are certainly a few things that can be said.

Chris Evans (Cap'), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) and to a slightly lesser extent. Anthonie Mackie (Falcon) rule the film, and do so without any shortcomings. That's not to say that they couldn't physically have done any better, but their roles were all seamless as far as my blurred vision could tell, which is not an accolade I'd often give.

Where _The Dark World_ was simply a holding pattern for Thor with some very pretty pictures, _Iron Man 3_ and _The Winter Soldier_ went out and took some actual risks in their stories. But unlike _Iron Man 3's_, Winter Soldier's risks have (to its eternal credit) been universally well received.

Directors Joe and Anthony Russo also managed to cameo a couple of Community alumni, which will never be a bad thing in my eyes, even if they're just one-off, throwaway jokes.

As I said, I really feel I need to give _The Winter Soldier_ at the very least one more screening before I feel totally confident in my thoughts about it.

But the fact that I'm really fucking excited for that second viewing speaks in its favour if nothing else does.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier opens up with an action sequence that's better than most action movie climaxes. It then sets up a really intriguing story before launching into one of the most suspenseful car chases since the Simpson/Bruckheimer 90s era. After that it's scene after scene of amazing action coupled with a complex story about heroes and villains being caught in a system that is too big to bring down, unless you're as good and level headed as Steve Rogers.

This isn't just a great comic book movie. It's a great movie; period. Using a spy thriller style mixed with martial arts and gunplay, set to the perfect music score, I would rank The Winter Soldier as one of my favourite action films hands down.

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Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Her 2013 kostenlose filme -1440p-DAT

Her 2013 Stream Hd


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Her 2013


123 Sitzungsprotokoll




FLV 1080p


Romance, Science Fiction, Drama




Kelland, Bryanna G. Hailey, Phaneuf Z. Cyril

Her 2013 Her ganzer film deutsch, Her online stream - Ganzer film, Her ganzer film online stream - Deutsch

The opposite of garbage
In the run-up to me seeing this, I heard a lot of people saying simply this was "a film about relationships." I feel like that holds up quite well. More specifically, I felt like "Her" is a film about why relationships end. Using a motto I picked up from too many Dan Savage podcasts, all relationships end — not fail, just end — until one doesn't. Some end because someone is hurt. Some end because the people have grown into people that don't connect in the same way, and the biggest challenge in that case can be just accepting the change in a partner and in the self. ...So why couch this theme in science-fiction? I think it helps clarify Jonze's idea of what people look for during the first moments of a relationship — someone who acts a bright, positive, layered, but uncomplicated by a dark past or conflicted feelings. But even more interestingly, the hook of the film is mostly just that, a hook to get us thinking about love and relationships in a deeper, more abstract way.
**Not a Keeper**

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts needs to return to limiting Best Picture contenders to five nominations, which always fell in line with the five Best Director nominees. Having ten casts too wide a net and allows squeakers like "Her" to slip in.

Spike Jonze needs to return to doing what he does best, and that is direct films written by Charlie Kaufman. "Her" is mundane and uninspired. "She" is drastically inferior to "Adaptation" and "Spotless Mind" and only somewhat better than John Malkovich flirting with Siri. Her has little to offer on the subjects of digital addiction, imaginary companions, internet porn, the singularity, long-distance love affairs, servitude fantasies, or post-modern love in general. Joaquin Phoenix is an intense and seriously committed actor who pointlessly busts his chops on such unimpressive material. An effort wasted in the prime of his career. While Jonze attempts to reach for all the possibilities that can be explored with his high concept premise, he conspicuously excludes other logical outcomes. Why was Theodore the only one with a virtual girlfriend? This OSi should be selling like hotcakes and iPhones. As a sentient OS, Samantha is able to process information at lightning speed, yet can only process human emotion at the rate of molasses. Seems like there was a trade off. The more emotional she gets, the dumber she becomes. Call it the Spock effect. Above all, why didn't Samantha give herself a digitized face and body? Perhaps because Jonze was determined to contain and disable her enough to make the point that true romantic love has little to do with desires of the flesh. But there is little to muse about beyond this tidy declaration. Nothing more knotty or involving than one would experience revisiting old episodes of I Dream of Jeannie (replace the smart-phone with a bottle). While half-watching "Her", my thoughts strayed, seeking a more satisfying premise than that of a lonely man falling in love with a voice on his computer. What if his dying wife's brain was transferred into an operating system and just when he thought he could be with her forever a computer virus kills her off?

Maybe the Academy should divide the 10 Best Picture nominees into two categories. Instead of bunching mega-budget extravaganzas and low-budget darlings together, they could separate them into 5 Best Studio Movies and 5 Best Independent Films (under, say, $25 mill); open with one, close with the other. But even then, I'm not sure Her deserves any mention.
This was a really unexpected surprise. The cast is great, specially Joaquim Phoenix, which is a great actor.

The story is simple but well told and the photography, style and design of the movie has been taken into account until the smallest detail. Very well done movie.

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Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

Captain Fantastic 2016 kostenlose filme -720p-DTS

Captain Fantastic 2016 Online Anschauen

Captain Fantastic"

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Captain Fantastic 2016


174 kleinst




M4V 1440p


Adventure, Comedy, Drama


Esperanto, English


Carla, Atiyah S. Aissa, Jehanne Q. Owens

Captain Fantastic 2016 Captain Fantastic ganzer film deutsch, Captain Fantastic online stream - Ganzer film, Captain Fantastic ganzer film online stream - Deutsch

While Viggo's character is most certainly the protagonist, he's also not portrayed as being 100% in the right. Which really is the best way to tackle the subject matter at hand.

_Final rating:★★★½ - I strongly recommend you make the time._
**Surviving isn't just a good education, but needs the physical training.**

This is from a supporting actor turned a director who is just one film old before this. So he wrote and directed this beautiful film. One of the best films of the years that should be in must see list. It was just like the film 'Alabama Moon', only the initial plot that extended for over the hundred minutes. The first thing is the cast, it was the best combination. Lots of future stars are here. It was more like a road movie, except in the opening few minutes.

I did not like the entire film, I found a couple of things uncomfortable. Like the killing a deer in the opening scene and the end part. The conclusion was good, I thought it was the best solution for such a story, not for the theme. But then the final shot gave me an impression that they had got compromised. After all these years hard work, I felt they had given up. That did not stop me from enjoying it and recommending it to the others. Still, it is a very unique film that tried its best to avoid the usual cliché.

This is the story of a father of six kids, raising them by his own outside the society in the wilderness. But the children are not left behind on the knowledge of the world, especially the philosophies theirs favourite topic. They are bright, as well as tough and can survive in any condition. One day when they get a message that their mother died, the journey begins to attend the funeral and during their way all the adventures are what we're going to witness.

Due to the copyright issue the birthday song was altered. Surprisingly, the film was not based on any book. So my utmost appreciation goes to the creator of this wonderful product. Surely it will be a cult classic. It has lots of great dialogue, and bold revelations in a simple way about the facts of the world. Especially like related to the sex and other grown up stuffs clarifying the little kids' doubts.

At some point I thought it was okay for the kids to watch with their parents, but it did not get better on that perspective. I mean having lots of main characters as children, the film is not good for their watch. Though the adults should not miss it, even though you are a religious person or any other kind. So highly recommended by me.


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Inception 2010 Ganzer Film


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Inception 2010


169 minuziös




AVI 1080p


Action, Science Fiction, Adventure


English, 日本語


Aminoor, Latham M. Tameira, Raquel E. Feron

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When I first saw the trailer for this film, I knew that this would attract a lot of attention. Of course having Leonardo in the lead role helped a lot.

From the trailer, I already know some things. Dreams. All about dreams. But what about dreams? Who are the other people? At first, I didn't really understand what was going on. It was all very confusing to me. But as the movie progresses, I start to understand it and I wanted to watch some more and know more what will happen in the end. The ending. That was, I think, the most intense ending of a movie in a year or probably more than a year. People actually screamed when the screen faded. And of course, people couldn't help but talk about it. It was an open-ended movie where people will have their own endings. My favorite part was Joseph Gordon's fight scene. I think he has the most fun part in this movie.

My rate for this movie is A.
Whether you watch Inception as a heist movie, a redemption story, or a sci-fi action picture, Christopher Nolan's tour de force of dreams will absolutely work its magic over you. The fact that the film works on so many levels (literally) is an attest not only to the visual queues that make it easy for the audience to follow but to how much in control of all the intricacies its filmmaker had to be.

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